Do You Know These Things About Cystoscopy?

When we have discomfort in our stomach or intestines, doctors often recommend a gastroscopy or colonoscopy. However, if you experience frequent urination, urgency, pain during urination, blood in urine, or difficulty urinating, it may be a problem with your bladder or urethra, and sometimes the doctor may suggest a cystoscope bridge. Many people hear about gastroscopy and colonoscopy and think they are normal, but when it comes to cystoscope bridge, they feel scared or even afraid. How is it done? Where does it go in from? Isn't it very painful? In fact, the cystoscope bridge is also a simple, minimally invasive endoscopic operation, just like the gastroscopy and colonoscopy, to help further diagnose diseases, and it is not as complicated as you think.

What is cystoscope bridge?

Cystoscope bridge is a common urological examination instrument similar to gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and bronchoscopy. It is an endoscope that can be used to observe the urethra and bladder in the human body, and there are currently two types: cystoscope bridge with a hard lens and cystoscope bridge with a soft lens.

Why do you need a cystoscope bridge exam?

If you have recurrent frequent urination, urgency, pain during urination, difficulty urinating, hematuria, or bladder tumor after surgery, you need a cystoscope bridge exam to find out the cause. You can use a cystoscope to observe the situation inside the urethra and bladder, check for tumors, stones, inflammation, narrowness, foreign bodies, observe the bladder wall for small bundles, and the cystoscope can also clip part of the tissue to send for further pathological diagnosis. It can also use the cystoscope for disease treatment, clip out foreign bodies from the bladder, and remove the indwelling ureteral stent tube. If the bladder capacity is small, water expansion under cystoscope bridge can be used to treat the disease.

How is the cystoscope bridge exam done?

The patient undergoing a cystoscope bridge exam needs local anesthesia or painless anesthesia on the surface of the urethra in the lithotomy position. The doctor inserts the cystoscope through the external urethral orifice and guides it into the bladder to directly observe the examination and treatment methods of bladder and urethra internal lesions. It is generally not particularly painful, and the discomfort during the examination is tolerable. The examination can be completed within 5-10 minutes, and some patients even complete the examination without any discomfort. Patients should maintain a relaxed attitude during the examination to avoid excessive tension and increase discomfort during the examination. Compared with other examinations such as B-ultrasound or CT, cystoscope bridge has a more direct, accurate, and real discovery of problems that cannot be found by B-ultrasound or CT.

What are the conditions that cannot undergo cystoscope bridge?

  • During the acute urinary system infection period, such as acute urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc., the cystoscopy instruments examination may cause the inflammation to spread and worsen the condition, so it is necessary to check the urine routine before the examination to see if there is an infection.

  • Urethral stenosis: It is impossible to insert the cystoscope.

  • Bladder capacity is less than 50ml, which may cause bladder damage or rupture risk.

  • Patients with systemic hemorrhagic diseases.

  • Women during menstruation or pregnancy.

Precautions after the cystoscope bridge exam

  • Slowly get up from the bed after the examination to avoid falling, rest and observe outside the examination room, and leave only after there is no discomfort.

  • After the cystoscopy instruments exam, drink more water, urinate frequently, and if there is mild hematuria and discomfort during urination, it is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to be nervous. Generally, it can disappear in 3-5 days. But if there is significant hematuria, fever, or difficulty urinating, you should return to the hospital for further examination and treatment.

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